
Haulotte France obtains Qualiopi certification for its training center

Published 2022/07/22

Reading 4 min

What is the purpose of the Qualiopi certification?

The Qualiopi certification not only aims to guarantee the quality of the training provided, but also to finance the implementation and participation costs, thus making it easier for partners to partake. Qualiopi certification is a real quality approach for training organizations. It is based on precise specifications containing administrative, educational and technical criteria that training professionals must meet.

 A guarantee of quality for the training delivered by Haulotte France

Several training-related measures have enabled Haulotte France to successfully obtain the Qualiopi certification:

Adaptation to different audiences:

  • Training given in the client's environment or in a dedicated center.

  • Training given in the trainees' language.

  • Definition of training objectives.

  • Accompaniment, follow-up and evaluation of skills at each session.

  • E-learning modules adapted to the learning pace of each participant.

Qualification of trainers:

  • Trainers are experts in Haulotte products and the latest innovations to ensure that participants' skills are enhanced.

  • They set up theoretical and practical sequences to apply and reinforce the knowledge acquired in the classroom.

An ambition of constant improvement:

  • Collection and evaluation of feedback and complaints.

  • Post-training sharing with the trainer and the manager and proposal of a personalized follow-up if necessary.


These different elements have allowed Haulotte France to demonstrate the quality of its training, making it an expert subsidiary with the ambition of offering a unique customer experience.