
Selecting the appropriate MEWP for the job

Published 2014/05/11

Reading 2 min

Along the route of the “Tour de France”, Haulotte Group has displayed some of its best assets.

The “Tour de France” which happened this Friday July 18, near the headquarters of Haulotte Group in L’Horme (Loire), was a good opportunity for the group to share in the enthusiasm and good 
atmosphere of this popular event and therefore we proudly displayed a Telehandler (HTL 4017) and a big boom (HA32 PX) along the roadside. 

The two machines were in a prime ringside seat, to see the caravan pass in the morning, and the cyclist peloton at lunch time. There were a lot of people who came to see this surprise additionalattraction and were very pleased with it! The Telehandler HTL 4017, manufactured on site at L’Horme has raised many questions from the curious people and the articulating boom HA32 PX which was elevated, created a beautiful impression, thanks to its birds eye view overlooking the riders as they cycled underneath it. 

We bet that this wonderful experience will be remembered by the Haulotte team!